film review: Looper (2012)

film review: Looper (2012)

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I saw Looper a few weeks ago now but I’ve been putting off the review, mainly because I just don’t know what I can say about it… “It’s a good solid sci-fi flick that you should go and see” seemed a little sparse. So… I thought a bit harder and this is what I came […]

film review: Savages (2012)

film review: Savages (2012)

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I don’t know what Oliver Stone was thinking when he made Savages. I’m not sure he knows himself. Perhaps it was the same thing he was thinking during Alexander.

film review: St. George’s Day (2012)

film review: St. George’s Day (2012)

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You’d be forgiven for thinking that the British film industry only churns out gritty dramas about gangsters or hooligans. I’m sure it’s not actually true but you can’t deny that those are generally the ones that make it to the cinema.

film review: Anna Karenina (2012)

film review: Anna Karenina (2012)

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For a flowery film there should be a flowery review. I know I’ve said I don’t do these but… when needs must. Lavish, luscious, sumptuous, opulent…

film review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

film review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


There’s a lot to be said for knowing that this is the end. Too often blockbuster films are constructed to lead you down a merry path… right up to the point where they turn around, look you in the eye and say “Sequel? Maybe?”. We’ve all known from the start that this would be the […]

film review: Magic Mike (2012)

film review: Magic Mike (2012)

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Who doesn’t like a film about male stripping? Actually, has there ever been a big film about male stripping before? Professional stripping like, not a bunch of fellas havin’ a laugh like in The Full Monty. Maybe there has, I don’t know. I’m not really up on male stripping films… or female ones for that […]

film review: Dark Shadows (2012)

film review: Dark Shadows (2012)

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It’s a testament to his prior work that I still call myself a Tim Burton fan. It’s been almost 10 years since he’s made a film that I can really say I liked. There have been films that were tolerable… films that were ok… but nothing actually… good.

film review: Charlie Casanova (2012)

film review: Charlie Casanova (2012)


I don’t think this is going to be a long one. I don’t know how motivated I can get about something I hate. I didn’t know anything about Charlie Casanova before I saw, but I had heard that some people didn’t like it. That kind of thing means nothing to me really, I’ll always watch […]


film review: Wild Bill (2012)

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Wild Bill is the directorial debut of actor Dexter Fletcher, you may know him from the likes of Band of Brothers. I didn’t but you might.

film review: The Hunger Games (2012)

film review: The Hunger Games (2012)

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See here for clips and trailers of The Hunger Games. If you’ve read my clips and trailers post for The Hunger Games, then you’ll already know I was really looking forward to this film. If you didn’t then… I was really looking forward to this film.


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