film review: Godzilla (2014)

film review: Godzilla (2014)

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You like giant stuff on the verge of destroying the Earth as we know it… right?

film review: Cloud with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)

film review: Cloud with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)

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For whatever reason, I missed Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs when it first came out. It was a decision I regretted, I go to a lot of kids films and by all accounts Cloudy was one of the best in recent years…


film review: One Direction: This Is Us (2013)

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It’s finally here. The One Direction documentary… One Direction: This Is Us.

film review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

film review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

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It was over a year ago that they started releasing production videos from the set of The Hobbit. I was highly excited by the prospect of a Hobbit film back then… but then a lot of things can change in a year.


film review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012)

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Finally, someone gave Neveldine & Taylor a real budget. Not that they need one, they seem to do a fine job with what they have. Crank and Crank: High Voltage are two of some of my favourite films of the last 10 years.


film review: Underworld: Awakening (2012)

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Kate Beckinsale is back in her PVC catsuit, corset and leather jacket for the fourth installment of the Underworld series, Underworld: Awakening. Actually, I didn’t know she had gone, I checked out of this franchise after the first film. Not that I’d hated it or anything. As far as I recall. I think it was […]


film review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon


I am a fan of the Transformers films. I even liked the second one. Yes, it’s true, and I know I’ve lost some of you already… but you know what? I just like seeing giant robots beating each other up on a huge screen. So sue me. Ok. Possibly, I may have given Revenge of […]


film review: Alice in Wonderland (3D) (2010)


As I mentioned in my “releasing this week” article on Friday, I was really looking forward to seeing this film. Again I’ve been taught that I’m better off keeping my expectations low. It’s not that Alice in Wonderland is a bad film. Hehe, that’s probably my favourite phrase, I don’t like saying films are bad… […]


film review: Avatar 3D (2009)


There is only one film worth seeing in the cinema this week. Avatar. Well, if we are to believe the hype anyway. Personally, I had been rather apprehensive about this whole Avatar business. I can’t remember the last time a film promised so much (well… maybe Snakes on a Plane but that was really a […]


film review: The Final Destination 3D (2009)


If you’ve been reading this blog for a while (or if you know me… like most people who seem to read this) you’ll know that I watch a fair number of horror films. They’re not like a favourite genre of mine or anything but I like a good horror film, so I watch them in […]


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