feature: Jameson Cult Film Club is coming back to Cork and Galway!
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You may have heard me talk about how amazing the Jameson Cult Film Club screenings are before. If not then you can check out some of the images of previous screenings of Jaws and Die Hard… Pretty cool right? suffice to say, they aren’t your usual screening.
What you can’t even see in the photos is the live action. Oh yes, not content with immersing you in the film through your surroundings, they go the whole hog and re-enact parts of the film… while they’re going on the screen. Particularly impressive at Die Hard was the way they actually rappelled a guy down from the back of the theatre to the screen for one of the flashier kills. A real guy, not just a dummy.
Top secret preparations are going on the mystery venues in Cork and Galway for the extra special screenings of The Usual Suspect on 22nd April (Cork) and 29th April (Galway)… I’ve never seen the film with the JFCC treatment but I have seen LA Confidential, Aliens, Predator, Die Hard, Jaws and The Silence of the Lambs and I haven’t been let down yet… so… you definitely need to get involved.
So how do you get tickets to the Jameson Cult Film Club?
Well now. These are tickets that money can’t buy. As in they’re FREE. To get your hands on them you have to sign up, become a member and get in the draw. The sign up is over on the Become a Member page on JamesonCultFilmClub.ie, so off you go, cross your fingers… Best of luck!
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