movie news: First official look at Anchorman 2
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The first official stills from Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues have emerged. They may not exactly set your world on fire, but they do give us a taster of what’s to come. Certainly when it comes to the fashion anyway.
Aare the news team facing off against each other? Are Veronica and Ron actually together in a happy relationship? Who knows. I do know that I’m looking forward to finding out.
Ok, what we do know, from the latest trailer (below), is that Anchorman is set in late ’70s, early ’80s… The Channel 4 News Team light has faded over the last decade but an all new, experimental way to deliver the news is on the cusp of reality. A 24 hour news channel. Cue “Don’t Stop Believin'”
Fact fans, this probably sets the film in 1980 as that’s when CNN, the world’s first 24 hour news channel, launched.
I’ll take off the trivia hat now.
I have to admit, there’s part of me that just doesn’t believe that there’s any way they could possibly live up to Anchorman. A big part of me. But I’ll be happy to see them try.
And here’s the trailer…
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